Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm a little stressed...

So my channel organization did not work out, I'm not enough of a functioning person to be organized enough about it. Not to mention the super stress I've been under lately from graduating/moving out of my house. Never try to do these two activities at the same time, it will lead to frustation, screaming, and random breakdowns where you cry for no particular reason for a good twenty minutes. But as this is my makeup blog and not my regular blog I shall tell you what is going on with my youtube channel.

As I mentioned in my most recent video, My Disney World Haul, I am moving. In fact, I am now moved out of the house. In order to prepare for this time where I am moving, organizing, and just in general prepare for my departure to Washington on June 6th I filmed videos ahead of time. I worked my butt off to be sure that I have about a month's worth of videos filmed ahead of time so my channel would not lack anything. However, all these videos were saved on my family's main computer. Now my mother and sister (who use the main "big' computer all the time) are actually leaving today, a full two weeks ahead of me while I live with my Aunt. So can you guess what happened? Before I had a chance to transfer all of my videos from the main computer to my laptop, they packed the computer up. And now my main computer, along with all of my videos, are in a box on their way to Washington. This means I will not be adding any of those videos I filmed ahead of time until after June 11th, when I finally see my Mom again. So for those three weeks I guess there won't be much on my channel. I'm too busy to film any proper tutorials or anything of the sort, so I may just be posting a few random outfits of the day, and what not. But until then I just hope my channel doesn't die. So, I'm done, now I'm going to release the fullness of my all my stress unto my main blog.

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